InstructionsWe want to make your journey as smooth as possible. To do this, we need some information from you. Please fill out the forms below. Once you have completed each one, click the "submit answers" button. If you have any questions, please contact our team.
Due date:09/18/24
Work and Studies
Check all the options that apply to you:
How many hours a day will you have to work?
Please enter the number of the option that best fits you:
Sleeping habits: Morning
1) I wake up early (before 6 AM) 2) I wake up an hour before I have to leave 3) I wake up right before I have to leave
Sleeping habits: Night
1) I go to bed early (before 9 PM) 2) I go to bed at a reasonable hour (9-11 PM) 3) I stay up late (after 11 PM)
1) I am a clean person and can't stay in a messy room 2) I tend to be messy (please note that even if you have hard time cleaning your mess by coming to Cumorah you agreed to do your best to keep your room clean)
Work: Time
1) I prefer to work in the morning 2) I prefer to work in the afternoon 3) I prefer to work in the evening
Work: Place
1) I can work in any type of environment 2) I need silence while working 3) I would prefer a room with a desk
1) I like sleeping with an open window 2) I don't like sleeping with an open window 3) I get cold easily so I prefer to have the heating on a higher setting 4) I don't get cold and I like to have the heating on a low setting 5) I don't mind either
1) I would describe myself as an introvert 2) I would describe myself as an extrovert
1) I listen to loud music 2) I don't like to listen to loud music
Please tell us your username:
Check the box below if it applies to you:
Name of your Stake:
Name of your Ward:
Contact information for your bishop (E-mail address):
Contact information for your stake president (E-mail address):
Contact information for your mission president (E-mail address):
Please, check the box below before sending your responses:
Emergency contact
Can you share your emergency contact with us?
What language does the person you shared the contact speak?
Travel and Insurance
Are you an EU citizen? If not, share details of your entry permissions to CZ.
The preferred airport for your departure:
Check the arrival city options with our staff.
Please enter the number of the chosen answer:
Have you agreed during the financial interview that you will pay for your travel?
1) Yes 2) No 3) Partially
Means of travel to Cumorah Academy:
1) Bus 2) Plane 3) Car 4) Train
Do you have any (non-dietary) allergies or medical conditions that REGULARLY or even OCCASIONALLY require medication (including antidepressants, etc.)? If so, please list them below.
Do you have any DIETARY requirements (e.g. gluten-free, vegetarian, etc.)? If so, please list them below.
Additional Information
Something else you would like to share with us?